Post Removal

Nik Richie of is a site that allows anyone to post “dirt” on someone else, anonymously. Most often the poster is an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, upset with their past relationship.

If you have been posted on, we can get you removed completely. (and it’s owner Nik Richie) have been known to never remove any listings, even though they offer a removal link on their site. We have seen clients attempt emailing multiple times without any results. Emailing does not get you removed, it gets you a generic response informing you that: “At this time we are not removing any posts.”

The reason TheDirty does not remove posts is that the law (Communication Decency Act, Section 230) protects them as a public forum. Even if you hire a lawyer and/or sue TheDirty, you will have very little chance of removing posts from TheDirty. Your lawyer would really need to know reputation law, and the outcome would still be uncertain.

We use a proprietary legal strategy with the help of our attorneys that gets posts removed from TheDirty completely. We are probably the only company that can do this. We guarantee removal or a refund of your money. We only require 50% of the fees upfront for this service.

If you have defamatory postings on, contact us today to see how we can help you.

Our CEO, Pierre Zarokian, is an expert in reputation management. Review his articles about TheDirty for more information:

The Dirty Lawsuit Could be First of its Kind in Reputation Management
The Dirty Loses Reputation Management Lawsuit

CALL US 1-877-737-3083